Register for our exam training courses

Learn all you need to pass your CIPP/US, CIPP/E, or CIPM certification exam in one go!

4.8 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
I passed my CIPP/E exam today. The materials helped as I could focus on the important topics rather than getting lost in the sheer volume of the official text book. I highly recommed the materials. And most importantly, Remon and Jiao Wen have been great in answering all my questions - thank you guys for the support!
Fazi Coconut
I've recently started my third course with CIPPTraining. The first course I took was CIPP/E. I was very satisfied with the training materials, Remon's guidance and his prompt response, as well as my exam grade. Therefore, I continued to the CIPM course. I've continued to the CIPP/US course, as I have full trust in Remon and his team. Thanks CIPPTraining for helping me going through these exams. You've made it both possible and affordable.
Dan W.
One of the best options (if not the best) for those who want to get straight to the point in training for the IAPP certifications. There is no winding up, no ideas that "may or may not answer the questions." Specific, direct, practical, and directly related to the content of the exams. I took two training and passed both without any difficulty. I recommend it to everyone!
Matheus Passos Silva
CIPM Online training


Certified Information Privacy Manager

What you will learn:

  • How to create a company vision and structize the privacy team
  • Develop and implement a privacy program framework
  • How to communicate to stakeholders
  • How to measure performance
  • The privacy program operational life cycle
Certified Information Privacy Professional/US - CIPP Training


Certified Information Privacy Professional/US

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to the U.S. Privacy Environment
  • Limits on Private-sector Collection and Use of Data
  • Government and Court Access to Private-sector Information
  • Workplace Privacy
  • State Privacy Laws
Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe - CIPP Training


Certified Information Privacy Professional/E

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to European Data Protection
  • European Regulatory Institutions
  • Legislative Framework
  • Compliance with European Data Protection Law and Regulation
  • International Data Transfers

Here are some
Some customer testimonials

Youngjin Choi
Licensed attorney California and New York

Jean-Philippe Dechriste
ICT officer

Daniel Reyes
Mexican attorney and legal consultant

David Lyes
Laywer of the Brussels Bar

Jody Liu
Legal Director

David Mashburn
Corporate Counsel at

Rémon Verkerk
Insider Risk Specialist

Basirat Bolompe
Data Security Investigation Specialist

Get ready for your certification with our exam training courses.

Boost your career with our globally respected
data privacy training

Created with leading privacy and data protection experts, our perfected courses range legal, administrative, administration, and functional issues. Pick the proper subjects and prepare modalities that fit your profession objectives and become a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US, CIPP/E) or Manager (CIPM).

How to Get a Job with Your New Skills

Why train with

We are proud to offer the best exam preparation training courses for your IAPP exams. The IAPP, The International Association of Privacy Professionals, is the global leader in information privacy certification programs specifically designed for professionals who manage, handle and access data. These certifications are recognized and respected by employers all over the world.

At CIPP training, we have been delivering qualified training for over 5 years. Before taking the IAPP certification, track CIPP (Certified Information Privacy Professional) for the USA and Europe and CIPM (Certified Information Privacy Manager). Here are some other reasons why to learn with us.

  • Remon Janssen, LLM CIPP/E CIPP/US (about us), our lead instructor, has been delivering privacy and security training for more than 5 years now for clients located across Europe and the US and has profound knowledge of each subject.
  • For all our certification classes, you can meet with other students who are also preparing for the exams and become an IAPP-certified professional in no time.
  • Currently, more than 1000 students have an active enrollment on our platform. 
Choose for passing your IAPP exams in one sitting
CIPP training is dedicated to your success.

Dedicated to your success

CIPP training is dedicated to your success and pass rate at the exam of IAPP, and we offer an “exam pass guarantee” that allows you to receive half of the course fee back. Only 2 to 3% do NOT pass the exam with our aid and apply for our exam pass refund.

All our training is delivered to ensure every student achieves their objectives, whether refining their skills, having a new job or moving into a new role, or taking the IAPP certification exam.

Some of the other benefits of training with us:

  • Study at your decided speed
    You can Study at the place and time of your choosing. We offer dozens that will work with your study plan.
  • Save tons of money.
    Save money by getting all that you need in one place. We are the only training provide online courses offering complete online training for CIPP and CIPM exam preparation at this exceptional price level.

Get ready for your certification with our exam training courses. 

What You Need To Do To Succeed!

Why you should get certified

It is essential to get certified because CIPP and CIPM certification gives you an edge over the competition. It also helps you to stand out in the job market. The certification process is a great way to get your foot in the door and prove your worth. 

It’s also a great way to get hands-on experience with the privacy and security industry. Become a certified CIPP/US, CIPP/E, or CIPM in no time and with a 97% success rate to take up the exam at IAPP in one go.

You have the opportunity to take our online CIPP and CIPM courses with your (full-time) job and other activities. You can complete one class in 1 or 2 full days. It is advisable for some study time to learn the summary (CIPP/E 33 pages – CIPP/US 45 pages – CIPM 31 pages) and study relevant laws. Of course, you have options when it comes to pace.

The good thing with CIPP Training is that you do not need any additional study materials. Our online training course is robust and complete. It comes with a comprehensive textbook outline, three complete practice exams, and other practice questions. -> Request your free guide now.

For free-of-cost exam questions, please see our free practice questions: CIPP/US, CIPP/E and CIPM.

It is essential to get certified because CIPP and CIPM certification gives you an edge over the competition.

We accept all major payment systems

Payment methods - CIPP Training
CIpp Training Study Guide - CIPP/US CIPP/E CIPM

Tips for passing your exams

Download our free PDF guide on how to pass without struggling. Our Free guide covers tips on how to prepare for your IAPP papers, the best strategies for passing at the first try, money saving-tricks, and more.

Offering you the best preperation

See what our students are thinking of the courses

"The material provided by the CIPPTraining team is top notch and at a fraction of the price of the official IAPP Study material, or InfoSec material. The material really pushed my study over the hump and was a great benefit to my ability to pass the CIPP/E Exam. Returning as a customer for the CIPM material!"
Certified Information Privacy Professional - Review - Nick - CIPP traiing
Nick Marks
Privacy Operations Specialist
"Passed my CIPP/US exam on the first try. I was having trouble motivating myself to study. But then I found The modules are easy to understand, and the summary document is pretty good. But the best part was the sample exams. They built my confidence and taking the actual exam was a snap."
Certified Information Privacy Professional - Review -David- CIPP Training
David Curry
"This training was very informative and useful. Well written and captured all the aspect of the exam. It helped me a lot to pass CIPP/E.."
Certified Information Privacy Professional - Review - John - CIPP Training
Johnbosco Osondu
‎Information Governance and Privacy Lead · ‎Department of Health and Social Care

Basirat Bolompe
Data Security Investigation Specialist

David Leys
Lawyer of the Brussels Bar

Exam pass guarantee

As the global gold standard for privacy professionals and managers, the CIPP and CIPM certification are key industry benchmark among top employers.

Our team works smarter and harder to help you achieve your goals and set you on a path to a brighter future. However, in the rare event that you fail the IAPP papers after completing our training, you will receive half of the course fee back.