About the CIPP/E exam: Top 15 Questions and Answers 2021

About the CIPP/E exam: Top 15 Questions and Answers 2021

Note – Find the newest update (2024) here: https://cipptraining.com/updates-to-the-cipp-e-exam-in-2024-what-you-need-to-know/

As a premium online CIPP/E training provider, we receive many questions from our students about the CIPP/E exam. To help you, this blog answers the 15 most frequently asked questions.

1. Are there any questions about Brexit in the CIPP/E exam?

No, at least not until the next exam update on September 1, 2021. Until then, the IAPP will only implement minor interim updates to reflect the recent Schrems II decision.

2. When answering questions about data transfers, do I have to consider the invalidated Privacy Shield (Schrems II)?

Yes, these questions must be answered according to the current situation (post Schrems II). The IAPP confirmed that the CIPP/E and CIPP/US exam updates on September 1st 2020 reflect the Schrems II decision. The updates ensure accuracy of content, particularly related to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Standard Contractual Clauses.

3. Do I need to know the GDPR articles in detail?

Yes, it is important to memorize the most important articles. This applies to articles: 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12-23, 28, 32-34, 35, 37, 44-50, 58, 60. But you will learn these articles automatically when you are studying the textbook or other training material well.

4. Is there a way to easily remember the five different EU institutions that are important to the field of privacy?

Yes, The government leaders of the European countries meet in the European Council. It sets the EU priorities and political agenda. The heads of government then send ministers to the Council (of Ministers) for each topic. The European Commission is a kind of executive body, with a pioneering role in the field of legislation. The members of the European Commission are not here on behalf of their country, but for all of Europe. The tasks of parliament and the court will be more self-explanatory.

5. For the CIPP/E exam, what should I know about the treaties of Lisbon and Rome?

The Treaty of Lisbon (2007) optimizes the functioning of the EU. Data protection and privacy rights are also an important topic.

The Treaty of Rome (1957) establishes the European Economic Community. This mainly concerns internal market provisions, free trade, and thus also the (required) free flow of data.

6. Are there specific types of questions I should anticipate for the exam?

Yes, there are a lot of questions like this:

– In terms of …. privacy rights, all of the following are acceptable …. EXCEPT;

– Which is the BEST description … (definition) / Which answer is BEST?

– Which is NOT a factor …

Hint: we find the ‘best answer’ questions the most difficult. What will help is considering what answer contributes the most/has the largest negative impact on FIPs (fair information principles).

7. What is a good strategy for answering CIPP/E scenario questions?

A great strategy is to read through the scenario calmly and then focus on the question. Then read the relevant section of that scenario again. Many students find the scenario questions difficult. That’s usually because so much irrelevant information is being given. Much more than is necessary to answer the question.

What also helps for the scenarios is to learn in advance what to do with regard to the most important subjects in a number of cases. Ask yourself questions about these topics. For example: what should I do when I receive an information request from a data subject, do I have to respond within a time frame, when should I conduct a DPIA? etc.

8. I am not a reader, can I pass the CIPP/E exam by just watching videos?

No, you can’t. The curriculum is to extended and detailed to study only by videos. But you can find some video’s to help you up to speed. Also consider an online training course, like ours.

9. How to register for the CIPP/E exam?

First you will need to buy an exam voucher in the IAPP store. See this link: https://store.iapp.org/certification/

Then, you can then use this voucher to register for an exam at a physical location or for a home exam. Registering for the exams, physical and online, is done through Pearson VUE’s website (which is the IAPP exam partner).

You can read more general information about registering here: https://iapp.org/certify/testing/. And about the home exam: https://iapp.org/l/remote-proctoring/

10. Do you recommend reading the entire textbook as a part of the CIPP/E exam preparation?

Yes, we do recommend reading the IAPP textbook. But, if you enroll in our training course, that’s not necessary to pass the exam. The book gives students a bit more background and is a useful reference for day-to-day privacy practice.

11. What are the main chapters I should focus on preparing for CIPP/E?

You should mainly focus on textbook chapters: 8, 10 and 12. How many questions are asked per chapter you can read here.

12. In the CIPP/E exam: is joint processing also supposed to cover joint controlling?

Yes, these concepts/definitions are used interchangeably. Please see ‘WP29 Opinion 1/2010’ for more information about joint processing and control.

13. Do you recommend any additional study material for the CIPP/E exam?

Yes, if you have time to spare, you should definitely read the GDPR recitals and/or the WP29 (EDPB) opinions on ‘consent’, ‘behavioral advertising’ and ‘on the concepts of “controller” and “processor”’.

14. Where to find CIPP/E practice questions?

You can buy 30 practice questions on the IAPP website. But, if you register on the IAPP website you will most likely receive a coupon after a few days with which you can download free practice questions. The IAPP practice are easier than the questions in the real exam but, they are worth the effort.

Our online CIPP/E training includes two full practice exams (with 90 questions each). A third exam will be available soon. In addition, the training course contains many additional separate questions. If you want to practice some more with exam questions: there are two books by Jasper Jacobs for sale on Amazon.

However, you should not be too focused on more questions. Taking 1 or 2 practice exams is sufficient. It’s wiser to study the material very well. You should really get the details out of it.

15. How many hours are recommended for preparing for the CIPP/E exam?

IAPP recommends a minimum of 30 hours. In reality, most students study for about 60 hours. You can speed up this process considerably by taking an online training course. With our training course you can prepare in just 1 or 2 full days. Of course, you can set the pace you desire.

Concluding remarks

Do you want to know all about the CIPP/E exam? Then please take a look at our study and exam guide on our blog: https://cipptraining.com/blog/

We offer a great CIPP/E exam prep course including a detailed outline of the entire textbook, 300+ IAPP style practice questions and training videos on each subject. This ensures the best exam preparation possible and a very high chance of excelling at your first try. Register here.


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